Α) Eleni Theodossopoulou :
Professor Eleni Theodossopoulou is Professor of Surgical Nursing and head of the Laboratory of Surgical Nursing, Department of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has a rich research work in basic and applied research with postgraduate studies abroad, and is responsible for postgraduate and doctoral theses. She has received honorary distinctions for her contribution to the field of health and research. She also holds a patent on her cancer research and has published more than 8 research protocols on cancer. She has authored academic books on surgery and complementary therapies has published numerous articles in Greek and foreign journals.
numerous publications in Greek and foreign journals.
Professor E. Theodossopoulou has the expertise and experience to create the scientific quality criteria through which the scicare platform will evaluate the quality of scientific articles. She also expertise to evaluate the criteria that are most appropriate for the reliable screening of scientific articles.
Α) Emmanouil Zoulias
Dr. Emmanouil Zoulias holds a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NTUA and a Master’s and PhD in Biomedical Informatics and Technology, specializing in Data Analysis in the health field. His primary active research focuses on Biomedical and IT education and technologies. He is a developer and integrator of several web2-based platforms. He has worked for about four years as an IT expert in the NHS, and 10 years as an IT expert in the IT system, in the IT department of the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (NCPALG), two of which as CIO. His main active research focuses on Medical and Educational Informatics and Technologies, validation process, data mining, web mining technologies, and web 2 technologies and medical and educational technologies. In addition, he was a research associate at the University of West Attica, teaching courses in Health Informatics and Biostatistics. He has participated in several European projects in health, e-health, educational technologies, telemedicine and tele-education in collaboration with various research organisations. He is now a teaching staff member in the laboratory of Health Informatics at the School of Nursing of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. E. Zoulias has professional experience on AI solution. Expert on the design and development of IT and AI solutions. He is the most suitable person due to his knowledge and experience undertaking the design of the scicare platform.
C) Charalambia Karoussou-Tselenti
Charalambia Karoussou-Tselenti is a graduate of the Nursing Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a postgraduate student of the Medical Department of the Democritus University of Thrace. Her research interests include cancer and the human microbiome. She has also participated as a coordinator in teams of medical and nursing student scientific conferences and has experience in the management and coordination of research projects at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has experience in communication promotion and marketing through voluntary groups such as the scientific society of medical students of Greece and the cultural associations: Scientific Society of Medical Students of Greece and the cultural associations the Brotherhood of Kefalonians and Ithakians of Piraeus and the Association
the brotherhood of Kefalonians and Ithakians of Piraeus and the association of Pylares. Finally, he is a member of current affairs and research groups around the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, such as the group of sites: ekefalonia, kefaloniafocus and efimeridaodysseia.
Charalambia Karousou Tselenti has undertaken the design of the platform in collaboration with the other members, the promotion of the product and has undertaken the selection of the type of scientific articles to be evaluated by the platform. She will also be responsible for scheduling meetings and uploading deliverables to the platform.
D) Pavlos Karousos
Pavlos Karousos is a PhD and postdoctoral researcher in political sciences and history at Panteion University, Department of Political Sciences. Head of planning and design unit of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family projects funded by the Ministry of Recovery. Head of an organisational unit specialising in project management for the European Social Fund. Specialised in the fields of developing vocational skills for reintegration into the labour market. Also specialised in project management and employment support programmes for all social groups.
For scicare, is responsible for pre-coordinating meetings and evaluating progress monitoring based on purpose and timeline. He also monitors the progress of the procedures.
F) Stavros Karousos:
graphic designer. He has undertaken the design and implementation of the graphic design and logo of scicare.